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tv   FOX 45 News at 500  FOX  January 24, 2013 5:00pm-5:30pm EST

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the snow started falling early this morning leaving a dusting on the roads. by daybreakkthe main roads were clear buttstill slipery... causing ssveral accidents..e caught up with some drivers on colddspring llne at falls road who had a touuh time getting around. 8:09:12 jjnnifer danieli o up falls road to lake ave to rolllnd ave to takeemy kidd to &ppchool and it was a little slippery i saw some suvs spinning out peoppe were just speed thinking they have for 8:09:27 while the snow is almost gone
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tonnght... we could be in for another round tomrrow afternoon. 3 no criminaa charges will be officers iivolved n the high 3 profile homicide of an east baltimore man who died while &pin policeecustody. custody. kkith daniels is live outside state's attorney's office... office......where the state's atttrney made is decision public today, keith? keitt? annapoois police... annapolis police...3 3
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annapolis police... are... investigating ... after... a... man... was shottto death last night. happeeed... on... copeland
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street... near... broach court...///.officers... arrived around ...11-30,...// a man ssfferinn... from... und died at tte .. no... word... on a suspect... or motive. paltimore police have &pidentifiedda man that was sho and killld in southeast year- olddjustin milton dies - pt the scene whennhe was shot in the head.police say milton and another man ere walking they ere approachee y a suspect who pulled a un.thee second victim was also shot no information on a a state task ffrce met today to discuss gun access laws for people withhmental illness. the 17-member pannl was created months agg.. but the recent trrgedy in newtown connecticut has renewed their foccs onngun control and mental health. the group's &pfirearms from individuals who themselves or others.... andd requiring mental health professionals to repprt threats tt policeegoverror martin o''alley has already
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introduced new gun egislation ((jeff)) the state has rested its cass agaiist anne arundel pa leaderrinvesttgated on misconduct. as crime nd tells us...porter joy lepola - us... today's testimony asn't it was money. sex this time as - a good majority of testimony poday centered around how taxpayer dollars for his own personal gain. ((vo)) inside the courtroom, one member of eopold's security ddtail explained how he woold chaafeur the county weekendss.. earning overtime - &pin the process. they were assignmeet. it was testimmny that struck a cood amonn other forrer employees of leepolds. 14:05 it's a disgrrceei just cann say enough about it it's just sickening to see police to eedure such tteatmmnt :21 :21 20:00 it'ssabsolutely unacceptable for an eeected officiil to do thht and for our county taxpayer doolars to be used for that reason ...
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p,3& among those not cclled t testify was formee annee arundel coontt police chief james teare. aggin, to recap annapolis aa this hour.... the state has rested its ccse againstt anne arunnel county lepola fox 45 news at 5. serious allegations agginst murder trial of michael e --3 johnson, the man accused of ptudent phylicia a judge ruled that a seperate investtgation of homiccde detective ddniel nicholsoo trial.nicholson has been g te accussd of breaking iito a harford county home wwaring a black hoodie while he searched for his daughher. the incident occured two days
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before police chargee johnsoo with barness'murdercity judge alfreddnance ruled the defense can ask the detective about the case against hii. prosecutors called the allegations a distractiin. opeeing ssatements begin tomorrow mooring 3 the ravens were back on theepraccice field ffr the first time since the afc ch. championship...bruce cunningham joins uu now with a praatice today...bruce... the ravens are bacc to work.. after takiin the last thrre daysto gettthe ffmiles squaree away fortteesuper bow, preparations egan in earnest out in owings mills... when you get o the super bowl, themedia contigent gets 100 media types were on hand...doubleehe usual...tte ravens will worr ouu thru thee weekendand then fly to new orleans on monday...only one man was in niform the last time thhravens made tte suppr ccmpared the two teams... 3 ed reed saas reports of his emiss were
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premature..we'll heaa from the raaens legend, a little later inthe hhur in sports. ray lewis... &pis... headed to the ssper the end... of his career.../ means... the begiining... of some big business. business. at... cooumbia..../ "fans only" ... is... celeebaaing... ray's... last ride... with a commemorative t-shirt./... of the shirt... is a picture of ray.../ the... linebbcker... who's been... a ffn favorite... and... he
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team's... inspirattonal the a farewell f - message: peepleelove ray, ray lewis.": lewiss" abbuttthe farewell t- cost - shirts cost about 20 bbcks. you an buy them at most local &pravens retailers... and online. we'ree.. follooing... ray's last ride... all the way to orleans....///see... our stories... n the ravens playoffs..../ heaa... aw interviews... froo the players.../ and... find... other web links... by goinn... foxbaltimore dot com...//. click on... the "ray's last ride" banner on how are the roads looking tonig? tonight?carrie eirce has our traffic edgeereport. report. mapvo- of 95 ax greenspringmap
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troubles with spped camerrs... cameras...newwtonight att 5:30...the mission of the new speed camera task force as it meetsstonight. p3 incredible video of an s-u-v losing control and crashinn ii to a truck.whaa wws launched froo the s-u-v that had the driver scraabliig ut of the wreckaae. pentagon lifts the ban on the - combat for women.coocernn some tonight.
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1-yyar-old girl.... p has.../ a ... terrifying scare... on a... moscow road. road. aa.. vehicle... slides on the ...clips a big rig...//;; the... giil's... ejected... from the vehicle... / and... lands... inches away ... from... n... oncoming barely... misses thee.. - pnfant...///. she's... expected... to be o-k...///. and... saiddtoobe a factor. check out... his video... of a sewer explosion... out of ssuthern china..../// cameras... installed on nearby residential buildingss.. recorded the entire event... as it tore through... the rood.../.no one... was the underggound... sewer tuunel... pipelinns... ann... hhgh- voltage ccbles. the pentagon sending women to the front lines... reeerssng a ban on women serving in combat. combat. the bannhad been
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griffin has the storr. a historic change for the u-s thattbrrngs us to of the day.ssus to our question
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pay. do you agree with the decisioo to allow women to serve n combat jobs? jobs? jennifer writes on our facebook pagg..."yes. mann women aae just as ccpaale." p but sondra writesson we are physically equul yyu -
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are wrong." wrong." a big response &pand and some sttrong opinions tooight. go to fox-baltimore dot com you can also sound ff through facebook. send us a tweet.. at foxbaltimore. and you can text your answer to 452033 foo45b for no. 33 maryland's not the only state getting hit by some record temperatures thaa are being reeorded. a super bowlltradition and a pmust- have" at every super bowl party...wwy buffalo wings will become a little harder to get your hhnds on. 3 --adblib weather tz--
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a... blaat f cold aar... is gripping much of the country... / and... forecasters ...expect it... to last throughout the week..../// temperatures.... pof... 24-beloww.. have been reccrded in maine.../ andd... 33-below in north dakota....//. more than... 16 inches of snow ... is... rrcorded in erie, plows... can barely... kkep pace...///. firefighters ccicago... struggled... to put out a blaze... as... wwter... from their hoses... turned to ice...///. wind chill warrings... &p aree.. now in effect.. forrthe northeast... hypothermia is - "it's indescribableealmost ya know? unless you really experience it, really feel --3 skin. you know its hard to really explain." exxlain." forecasters... are bb... any relief... from the frigid ttmperatuue ...until at least this eekend. - react to story- aalib toss to vytas.... 3
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amazing video of a shoooout with police...why one officer is lucky to be alive today. and a nee program aimed at expanding heelth care for low coming upp in annapolis...they're unveiling
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dettilsof a new program to expand health careto help ow- income residents.
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residents.lieutenant gooernor anthony brownsays the four year pilot proggam willtarget five parts of the state.the pricetag...ii 16-millionn dollars...and theegoal is to offer healthcoverage to those who on't have it. (brown) "by sing incentives, innovation and partnerships, we'll expand access to care, reduce costs and address the geographic and racial andd ethnic disparities that are unacceptable here in marylandd" ooe of those health nterprise zones....will be in west baltimoree not all foreign objects that a not all foreign pot all foreign objects thht a chiid ppts in their bjects that a not all foreign objects that a child puts in their mouth... are a major concern doctors say no matttr how careful you are....there are times when child will put someehing other than food in their mouth. acording to ddctors... not everythiig is dangerous.for nstance... coins are only a problee.. if trouule bbeatting. crayons and pet food, dirt and grass are other coomon thingss kkds put in theer mouth...and grass is only a problem.. if it's been treated with pesticcdes. howeeer...
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one thing that is always an emergencyy.. is batteries. 132-152"if your childdswallows a magnet, those things can pctually can cause harm and may nt pass through. a battery can leak toxic materials onne it's ingested more than one goes down, they can actually adhere to ooe another across the gi tissues." tiisues."gum is not for bbbies r toddlers... but if piece... it should pass w a through the digestive ssstem like anything else. the... super bowl... is... a... week from sunnay, .../// so... one thing... on... everyone's whole lot... of... chicken wing! wings!unfortunately, ../ the... american chicken council... is warning... that it mayybe ttugher to find wings... this year.../ bbcause... of... rreord... high prices forr corn.... whiih... makes chicken's diet...//.the council... expects twelve million fewer wings... &p will be eaten... thi super boww weekeed...///. that's... just one percent....of the...
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"one point two billion" wwngs... americans are expected to eat... that weekend. 3 every ravens fan will have a memoriay from the upcoming supee bowl... but some choose to have a more "permanentt" reminder. bbltimore city's speed camera task force is meeting they're trying to tackle, ccming up after the breaa. --adblib weather tz--
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ew at 5::0...baltimmre city'ssspeed cameras are still shhuld get new informaton - about them at speed camera task force meeting tonight. &pponight.janice pprk is live tell altimore..-


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